Sunday, August 23, 2009

Finally back on the blogging scene

Mom has started school and been super busy lately, plus her main computer broke so I haven't been allowed to get on the ones that were loaned to her. She said today she would let me get on and update everyone about my progress.
We still don't have any pictures because Grandmom is still wary of me in public. I am proving to her that I can do it, so hopefully she will take some pictures soon!
I have started going with Mom to this crazy place with lots of strange things that people do stuff with that she calls Physical Therapy. I just lay by Mom while she does things and make sure she doesn't start shaking. I worry sometimes because I can tell she is really hurting so I have to check on her. Everyone says they don't even know I'm there, which Mom says is a very good thing. I don't know about that, since my poor tail got stepped on twice but everyone apologized.
I also got to go out with Grandmom and Granddad for the first time yesterday. We went to a place called IHOP where I slept under the table while everyone else ate. After that we went to this place with lots of computers and desks and stuff that Mom uses when she works on something she calls classes. I walked around with her and Granddad and the cashier lady said I was a Very Good Dog! The last place we went was a book store where Mom look at lots of books. I laid down beside her every time even when there was a little human (who I usually like to play with). Mom says I'm an SDiT rockstar, what ever that means.

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